Vision Zero for Youth U.S. Leadership Award


Please note: Because the form needs to be completed in one session, you may wish to prepare answers using this Word document before using the submission form. Deadline for submission is December 15, 2024.


 *See “Eligibility” at for the list of entities that are considered “communities” for the purposes of the award.

Name, address, email and phone number of key contact person in the community being nominated:


If different than key contact person above: Name, address, email and phone number of person nominating the community:



Describe the youth (under 18 years of age) pedestrian/bicyclist safety problem in your community and what sparked the action being highlighted in this application. (maximum 2000 characters)
Provide a brief overview of the main strategies and successes relevant to the nominated community’s action and progress in improving child and youth pedestrian and bicyclist safety. (maximum 1300 characters)
Describe how disinvested areas have benefited from these strategies and successes. (maximum 2000 characters)


Changes to the built environment are a critical safety component (for example, improved crossings, traffic calming, and physical separation of people walking and biking from where people are driving). And communities are thinking proactively to fix places with the greatest likelihood for severe and fatal crashes.   (maximum 3000 characters)

  • Please describe the changes made and the time period in which activities took place. 
  • How were locations selected?
  • How did community input play a role in the projects?
  • Please note if the changes were part of a plan such as Vision Zero, a Safety Action Plan or another plan.

Policies can bring about changes to the built environment or reduced traffic speeds (for example, allowing safety cameras, limiting vehicle traffic on school streets, and encouraging active travel). (maximum 3000 characters)

  • Please describe any policies or policy changes that played a role in the nominated community and the time period in which activities took place.
  • Please note if the policies were part of a broader plan such as Vision Zero, a Safety Action Plan or another plan.

How are you measuring success? Please describe your specific goals and how you measure them. Include any results, both quantitative and qualitative. Include any crash trend data that could be relevant (such as serious and fatal injury rates for 0-17 year olds for the most recent five-year period). Quantitative data could also show any changes in speeds of vehicles or number of walkers or bicyclists. Qualitative data could include community feedback or something else. (maximum 2000 characters)


Describe any partnerships that were used or created to advance the work highlighted in this application, such as community engagement, youth-focused activities/organizations, and/or elected official support. (maximum 3000 characters)


How do the accomplishments described in this application influence your community’s future plans for youth pedestrian and bicyclist safety? (maximum 1500 characters)