Youth Safety Problem Describe the youth (under 18 years of age) pedestrian/bicyclist safety problem in your community and what sparked the action being highlighted in this application. (maximum 2000 characters)
Overview Provide a brief overview of the main strategies and successes relevant to the nominated community’s action and progress in improving child and youth pedestrian and bicyclist safety. (maximum 1300 characters)
Disinvested Areas Describe how disinvested areas have benefited from these strategies and successes. (maximum 2000 characters)
Partnerships Describe any partnerships that were used or created to advance the work highlighted in this application, such as community engagement, youth-focused activities/organizations, and/or elected official support. (maximum 3000 characters)
Accomplishments How do the accomplishments described in this application influence your community’s future plans for youth pedestrian and bicyclist safety? (maximum 1500 characters)